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- Typical First Years of Startup Engineering Leadership
Typical First Years of Startup Engineering Leadership
Companies share common traits and fall in the same pits
Typical First Years of Startup Engineering Leadership
18 minutes by Marc G Gauthier
All startups are very different, but many VC backed companies share common traits and fall in the same pits. In this article I share the story of such startup, their issues and how to mitigate them.
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Responsible Slack
3 minutes by Kent Beck
“Do not tighten the screw at this time.” Have you ever ignored this instruction? Nothing seems to go wrong when you do it, but later when you try to put other pieces together they just won’t go. The system needed wiggle room to come together and you eliminated that wiggle room up front. And you didn’t need to eliminate the wiggle room when you did. Self-inflicted error.
How to Build and Run Your Exec Team
8 minutes by Harry Glaser
As your startup scales from the dozens into the hundreds and more, it starts to grow into a real organizational structure. Before this transition, you probably have some notion of “teams” and “managers” but it’s pretty loose. Everyone sits in a room with the founders, and everyone knows who’s got the street cred and can make a decision.
Why some team members need more guidance
5 minutes by Luca Rossi
Skill/Familiarity — the employee's expertise and readiness for the task.
Context Quality— how robust and well-documented your standards are.
Both items are crucial.
Organization Architecture
10 minutes by Alex Ewerlöf
This page elaborates why organization design matters and how it impacts the reliability of the services built by the organization. It introduces a new concept called consumer journey as the key insight to architecture product organizations that build cheap and high quality products at a high speed.
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