How Microsoft does Quality Assurance

Microsoft pioneered the SDET role in the 90s. It then retired it in 2014. What happened and why?

How Microsoft does Quality Assurance
14 minutes by Gergely Orosz

The Redmond Big Tech giant pioneered the SDET role in the 90s. It then retired it in 2014. What happened and why?

Key takeaway: Merging development and testing roles resulted in several benefits, including improved code quality, agility, and engineer satisfaction. Teams found that this approach allowed for faster identification and resolution of bugs, more granular testing, and better alignment between code and test architecture.

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One of the most frequent conversations I have with teams is how to think about organization size. Or rather we have a conversation that goes something like, “We need to double/triple/quadruple our engineering team next year, and now we need to hire a leader who has done it before.” And to have that conversation well you need a theory of organization size.

The conventional metaphor for career success is a ladder: you start as a humble individual contributor and gradually climb the rungs until you’re managing a team of junior folks gripping the rungs below you. There’s only one trajectory (up!) and no detours.

Why you should use different leadership styles?
7 minutes by Dr. Milan Milanović

Daniel Goleman, a psychologist and author, introduced six leadership styles in his 2000 Harvard Business Review article "Leadership That Gets Results. “Later in the book "Primal Leadership.” These styles are based on the concept of emotional intelligence, and each has its strengths and weaknesses.

A theme in my practice is the leader who's seeking to increase employee motivation. In this context it's important to bear in mind the work of Frederick Herzberg, a 20th century psychologist who had a profound influence on our understanding of motivation in organizational life.

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