Ignoring the Wisdom of Crowds

Don't use it for innovation and niche areas

Ignoring the Wisdom of Crowds
5 minutes by Jason Cohen

Discover how to leverage the wisdom of the crowds, but also when to avoid it, as it can easily lead you astray. The key takeaway is that while crowd wisdom can be valuable in specific contexts, it should not be relied upon for tasks requiring innovation or niche market strategies.

WorkOS is hosting a one-day event in SF for product and engineering leaders shaping the future of enterprise SaaS. Speakers from OpenAI, Asana, Slack, Canva, Vanta, and more. Topics will include user identity, compliance, encryption, and logging β€” common features you need to support to sell to enterprises. Spots are limited so make sure to request your invite soon.

How to Pick Your Battles
2 minutes by Irina Stanescu

Not all issues are made the same, so how can you use kindness to determine which issues are worth confronting and which aren't? Irina presents a framework for evaluating the impact of an issue and shares key questions to consider when making this decision. She explores common reasons why people hesitate to speak up about workplace concerns and emphasizes the importance of addressing issues promptly for better outcomes.

Scope Management 101
3 minutes by Kent Beck

This text discusses the traditional project management adage "Good, fast, cheapβ€”pick two" and its limitations in software development. Kent argues that this motto oversimplifies the relationship between quality, speed, and cost, and ignores the crucial role of scope management in software projects.

Timeless principles of Time Management
16 minutes by Sergio Visinoni

A deep dive on the system Sergio uses to manage time and productivity, inspired by many experts in the field.

Unblock Your Weekly Team Meetings
9 minutes by Jurriaan Kamer

This article discusses an effective meeting format. It includes seven steps: a check-in round, checklist review, metrics review, project updates, agenda building, processing agenda items, and a closing round. The structure aims to promote participation, relevance, strategic focus, transparency, and connection among team members.

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