Dropbox Engineering Career Framework

The Engineering Career Framework is your source for how to achieve impact for your role

The Engineering Career Framework is your source for how to achieve impact for your role and team and how to grow in your engineering career. For managers, it can help you set expectations with your teams and hold them accountable for their work.

Teams turn to AI, APIs, and other digital tools to combat the labor shortage but struggle to recruit and retain the talent needed to keep these technologies running. As you expand your technical team, get practical hiring and retention tips from developer experience pros who have done it time and time again.

There’s coordination overhead to get timings right on work that’s independent. Like, to release a feature we need press releases from marketing, documentation ready to go, and functionality lined up behind a feature flag.

Social networking platforms such as Reddit show the total count of users currently viewing a particular post in real-time using a distributed counter. The value of the distributed counter changes when users enter or exit the website.

Lehman's Laws describe how software systems evolve and how they can be managed over their lifespan. In this blog post, we will explore these laws in detail and their significance in software development.

Ultimately, I came to the conclusion that the culture of decision-making — how decisions are made — has a huge influence on the long-term productivity of the engineering organization.

We know it when we see it, but are you sure that everyone on your team is thinking about it in the same way?