What causes new engineers to “sink or swim”?

Research on what factors contribute to great onboarding experience

We will evaluate research on what factors are considered part of a "sink or swim" onboarding experience.

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Creating a frictionless API experience for your partners and customers no longer requires an army of engineers. Speakeasy’s platform makes crafting type-safe, idiomatic SDKs for enterprise APIs easy. Unlock API revenue while keeping your team focused on shipping new products. Make SDK generation part of your API’s CI/CD and distribute libraries that users love at a fraction of the cost of maintaining them in-house.

"Why were these layers and duplicated efforts added in the first place?" From interacting with many product leaders across a wide variety of companies, there are some common patterns. In almost every company, there are early signs that things are going wrong. The trick, I think, is figuring out how to sense, evaluate, and respond accurately to incoherence.

Discover essential techniques for software architects to design modern systems, align with business goals, and manage stakeholders effectively.

Getting buy-in to get things done
7 minutes by Nicole Tietz

When you are working in any sort of leadership role, you'll have to get people to work toward initiatives that you're leading or make changes you're proposing. Whether you're a line manager running a team day-to-day, or a principal engineer pushing technical initiatives forward, it all comes down to the intersection of people and technology.

3 minutes by Jason Fried

Developing the ability to tease things apart helps you compartmentalize the less desirable from the more desirable, and see the whole map, with all its separate states of like and dislike, favorable and unfavorable. There’s a very good chance that when you do that, you’ll like a lot more than you despise.

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