Bottlenecks vs Bandpass

Bottlenecks are famous for slowing things down but did you know they are also terrible at ensuring attention is put in the areas it is most needed?

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I’m (almost) done with the migration to the new name, domain and email provider. Hopefully, this email lands in the right inbox for you (and if not check out this tutorial on how to change it). Also, you can reply to this email and let me know if anything is broken or if everything works well. 😬

Let’s dive in this week’s picks.

Bottlenecks vs Bandpass
2 minutes by Andrew Bosworth

Bottlenecks are famous for slowing things down but did you know they are also terrible at ensuring attention is put in the areas it is most needed?

Start by building sample applications in Python and Node.js and then explore methods for deploying them with virtual machines, containers, and, finally, Kubernetes! Each chapter builds on what has gone before as you learn to utilize tools like GitHub Actions and CI/CD practices to make portable apps that can quickly move between deployment setups. As you journey through the different deployment methods, you’ll discover best practices that you can apply with any language or stack.

Achieving your goals, in its most basic form, can be a very simple process.

What does it take to transition from VP Engineering to Chief Technology Officer in today’s business environment?

Being an engineering manager often involves walking a tightrope of numerous responsibilities and tasks. However, amid the hustle, it’s easy to fall into common pitfalls that can negatively impact both personal performance and team dynamics.

How to Manage Your Team’s Workload After Layoffs
6 minutes by by Dina Denham Smith and Frans van Loef

In short, after a layoff, more is being asked of people who have less to give. This is a recipe for disaster when it comes to burnout and retention of key talent. In this piece, the authors outline four strategies for right sizing the workload on your team.

Get a behind-the-scenes look at how Google approaches technical debt.

Knowledge economy within an organisation
5 minutes by Antoine Macia

Knowledge and cultural capital play a crucial role in the organisation's resilience, and its ability to adapt to the unalienable constant of change, reinvent itself, and overcome its peculiar challenges;

If you collected lists of techniques for doing great work in a lot of different fields, what would the intersection look like? I decided to find out by making it.

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