Back of the Envelope

The back of the envelope are estimates generated using a combination of thought experiments and performance numbers

The back of the envelope are estimates generated using a combination of thought experiments and performance numbers through simple arithmetic. The performance numbers of the services involved should be known to conduct back of the envelope calculation.

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As a former software engineer turned leader of remote development teams, I've spent countless hours learning and iterating on what it takes to lead effectively. Through trial and error, I've discovered key strategies and tactics that have helped me not only manage my team but also inspire them to do their best work.

Effective product development teams have clear missions that are aligned with a broader overall product strategy. They are expected to act autonomously and empowered with the capability and support to do so. This typically requires the teams to be cross-disciplinary.

Before talking about technical backlog we should add some context, so are going to talk about technical debt first.

Layoffs in the big tech are not new but have increased many folds. here is the real story behind the layoffs and what can be done about them

With the widespread adoption of since its inception in 2013, LinkedIn has built thousands of microservices to enable the exchange of data with our engineers and our external partners. Though this microservice architecture has worked out really well for our API engineers, when our clients need to fetch data they find themselves talking to several of these microservices.