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  • Looking for strong developers? Have them READ code instead of writing it during the interview

Looking for strong developers? Have them READ code instead of writing it during the interview

#86 – April 25, 2022


The problem with cybersecurity tooling is that they often market and sell technology to problems that can never be fully solved by technology alone. Here the Four Eyes principle is used to stop negative outcomes as the result of poor execution of a regular business task.

this week's favorite

When hiring developers, there are many things we are looking for, but over the years I have found that raw coding ability is easily the most important quality to look for. I can quickly train a person to have knowledge in some domain, but I’ve never seen raw coding ability come from anything other than personal commitment to extensive and deep practice. Because of this, I have found that some methods work better than others to discover talent.

After reaching a certain level of seniority, it’s expected that a worker can self-direct in service of the organizational goals.

150, Dunbar’s number, is the natural size of human social groups. Robin Dunbar’s 1993 paper, where he put forward this hypothesis, is a great read – it’s got twists and turns, so much more in it than just the 150 number.

I’m strongly leaning towards yes. Modern “agile” has seemingly almost nothing in common with the original Manifesto for Agile Software Development which is worthy of a separate article.

While there were many skeptics of remote workspaces a few years back, most of the companies in the last year had to try out remote work in one way or the other. To their surprise, the effectiveness of the people did not drop when they worked from home. Who could’ve thought? In my opinion, a decentralized, remote workforce is the future of the digital economy.


This ebook is meant to be a step-by-step guide for you to learn how to use some of the most in-demand IaC tools that exist: Terraform, Ansible, Puppet (and Puppet Bolt), Chef, and Salt. Each tool is covered as mostly a stand-alone-project that focuses on deploying a simple Docker-based Python web application from Github.
