Story points: Why is this so hard?

#85 – April 18, 2022


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this week's favorite

In doing this, I’ve come to realize that we’ve got a lot of mythology and misinformation about story points in particular, and so I invite you to join me in exploring the truth about story points (as I see it).

To realize this resolution, I knew I needed to implement it as a system. So I committed to "ask at least a couple of MAD questions in each blog post." After close to 12 months and 70 posts, these are what I learned from this exercise.

Teams that are “developing” an understanding of the value of Team Metrics and adopting the foundational techniques should focus on the following improvements

“Well I’m a senior engineer so we’ll do it my way.” I always hated conversations like that as a junior engineer but they seem to be a natural consequence of titles. Keep titles private and the best ideas will win instead of the best titles. Right?

Before diving into the mechanics of managing infrastructure costs, the first question to answer is whether it’s a valuable use of organizational time to make your current infrastructure spend more efficient. How you think about this will vary a bit depending on whether your company is early-stage, prioritizing growth or profitability.
