Sharing our engineering career framework with the world

#46 – July 19, 2021

this week's favorite

At Dropbox, we strive to be a great place for all engineers to grow and be recognized for that growth. Our Engineering Career Framework helps keep us accountable there and is viewable by anyone within the company. Today, we are also making it viewable by anyone outside the company. Our goal in doing so is to be transparent externally on how we think about leveling and career progression on the Engineering team at Dropbox. It also enables others to adapt and apply it to their own organizations.

Onboarding new hires requires taking their perspective into account and designing the best possible experience to get your new teammate assimilated and contributing as quickly as possible.

Because org structure change can get messy, there’s a tendency to have structure drive strategy.

Here are some of my Security PAGNIs, including some suggestions by my Twitter followers. To keep this article from getting out of control, I’m scoping this to application security only. If you’re interested in future articles about other areas of infosec, let me know!

Being burnt out at work feels like this year’s life crisis. Almost every conversation I have with a friend in the industry lingers on the topic of struggling to focus at work. Last week, I was chatting with a friend and we diagnosed their core career ambition as the deep desire to spend several years sleeping. Reflecting on the chaos of the last year, that does, indeed, sound like a solid career plan.
