Software Engineering principles to make teams better

#44 – July 05, 2021

this week's favorite

For leaders who don't want to spend their time micro-managing.

When I worked as an engineering leader, I would routinely publish a “Week in Review” document for my organization. Instead of describing what the team had been working on that week, I would use this piece of communication to contextualize one big, sticky topic that was cropping up at the company.

How we built an engineering culture based on trust that allows us to move incredibly fast without requiring code reviews.

How do you figure out whether teams are more mature or less mature so quickly?

As managers, it’s our job to grow the people we work with. This is how we build a bench, and scale ourselves and the organization. Of course, this is easy to say and hard to do, and we’ve all encountered a spectrum of people: those with whom it’s easy to accelerate and have a real and lasting impact on, and those where the lasting impact is the relief we feel once we no longer work with them.
