How to build a high-performing software team

#128 – February 27, 2023

How do I build a high-performing team? This is one of the common questions leaders ask. No one wants a low-performing team. We all want to build effective and high-performing teams – a team that is highly interdependent, bound with a common goal, plans work, makes decisions, solves problems and delivers superior results.

Get some ideas, swap pain points, and join a live discussion about it on March 23 on Sleuth TV Live. Sign up here to save the date!

Many years ago, a younger and more naive version of myself decided to try bootstrapping a startup together with my co-founder, while still juggling our full-time jobs. She had the idea, product vision, and contacts for initial users, while I was in charge of tech development. Our plan for the MVP was to launch using an iOS and android app.

When a slogan becomes a target, it ceases to become a good slogan.

Skepticism is, in our experience, an architectural superpower that helps you to see through false assumptions before it's too late to recover from a bad implementation.

On prototyping, planning, and trying to do things right the first time around in a toy software project, and the concept of falsework.

The world of containerization is rapidly growing, and the term Kubernetes is now synonymous with containers. When looking to adopt containers, many organizations automatically think this means Kubernetes from day 0. However, before diving headfirst into containerization and orchestration with Kubernetes, it's important to understand the transition that lies ahead.

Open cultures can have a dark side too, though. Openness doesn’t come for free, and without structure to enable participation, a culture that calls itself “open” can easily evolve to increase the feelings of exclusion it was trying to avoid.

Remember when optimism and crossed fingers were our first line of incident response?
